I teach a somatic process of discovery, guiding you to feel and embody what makes your heart dance in joy, how the loving presence of true nature emerges through you. Everything in the world breathes together, one unfolding mystery. I teach how to recognize, listen to, and sense this loving intelligence within your body and all life. As you learn to rest in the heart of each moment, your body opens and you feel interconnected with the world. Over time you awaken to your interconnectedness with all that is – your loved ones, the earth, the sun, moon and stars, the plants, trees and animals you encounter, you come to know yourself as the movement of life, the heart of life.
As this sense of connection develops, you will feel nourished and held as loving presence permeates your body, and through this presence your body will become increasingly fluid and revitalized.
I create a loving space for you to unfold and embody, teaching you to focus inwardly and feel from the inside of your body. We begin wherever you are, initially with the questions you bring. Sessions may include meandering in nature, meditation, somatic inquiry, movement and dance, or exploration through archetypal astrology, depending on your individual unfolding. This journey is an epic one, full of discovery about yourself and the joy, magic and mystery of your true nature. It may at times be slow and arduous, and then suddenly, you will open to a new level of wonder and love.
I shape my work to meet your unique requirements and assist you in being present with whatever is arising, whether bodily feelings, emotions or life issues. Or perhaps you may want to be more embodied to become more aligned, strong, coordinated and agile. Below are some of the modalities I draw from to assist you:
“What will make your heart dance in happiness is this perception of oneness, your direct knowledge of the unity of yourself and everything in one nature.”
~ Almaas
Focus on physically connecting to your feet, grounding into the earth grid and the felt experience of receiving earth energy through your body. Feeling how all parts of your body are interconnected as a moving whole, relating to the earth through your movement. Experience how you are also the space that extends in all directions and your body is within that space, as well as the space is within you.
Experience the primal presence of place, recognizing how we are shaped by the places we live in, nourished by the elemental beauty, animal encounters, communication with elemental and archetypal energies – interconnection with all our relations.
Sensing into your body through guided sessions, developing an awareness of the present moment, feeling how emotions affect your body, how we participate physically with our emotional life and the emotions of those around us.
Exploring life lived in the body, through open attention, breath, sound and movement, developing the senses, circulating chi, grounding and learning to align, heal and rejuvenate your body.
Align and strengthen your body, develop range of motion and coordination. Explore moment to moment improvisation and develop fluidity and grace – interconnection made visible. Feel freedom and joy resonate through your body. Develop ease in walking and everyday movement connected to earth and sky.
We will work together in my home (in Bolinas near the Pacific Ocean), or on the trails and beaches nearby, depending on the intent of our session. Sessions generally are 1 – 2 hours.
The Point Reyes National Seashore is ideal for a stunning natural vacation, if you don’t live nearby we can create an individual retreat in which we work together daily, or bi-weekly. There are many vacation home rentals nearby, some within walking distance of my home. I also offer classes, group retreats, and phone and zoom sessions.
Please contact me at or 415-342-6462.
I look forward to working together!