by Sabrina Page | Jul 17, 2013 | Work
Embodiment – living in awareness through your body – is also the way to feel interconnected to everything and everyone. As I turn my attention within my body, beyond my skin into my tailbone for instance, and I begin to explore how my tailbone moves ever so gently, I...
by Sabrina Page | Apr 14, 2013 | Work
Consciousness is evolving, and physical matter is transforming and evolving as it reflects this awakened consciousness. This new understanding and experience of matter is an expression of the rising of the feminine principle at this time on the Earth. The ancient...
by Sabrina Page | Apr 12, 2013 | Work
What if movement is the language of the Universe? Since I first read The Universe is a Green Dragon some 15 years ago, I have been fascinated with concepts such as allurement and the creation of community, becoming love in human form, becoming beauty to ignite...
by Sabrina Page | Apr 10, 2013 | Work
The way we move reveals the way we feel. Each of us broadcasts a multitude of information about ourselves through how we move our bodies through space. Through the language of our bodies we communicate with our own species – and we have...
by Sabrina Page | Apr 5, 2012 | Work
In The Great Work, Thomas Berry speaks of the intimacy the indigenous people had with the land, each part of nature was experienced as a personal other. I have always been drawn to the beauty of nature, lured deeper into the land and its mysteries though the...
by Sabrina Page | Jul 24, 2006 | Work
To be aware of the body is the beginning of love . . . every cell contains all of existence. These words from the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh speak to the depths of our interconnectedness. Living and feeling from the inside of our bodies –...