

I guide you into the heart of life, into the sweet center of everything, to experience your true nature permeated by loving presence. Everything is made of love, every atom and cell of your body, the earth and the Universe. The most fundamental mystical experience is...

Grounding and Interconnectedness

Grounding and Interconnectedness

We are inextricably interconnected with the world around us, embedded in a living web.  Through the mysterious force of gravity we are held in the embrace of the earth, through the air we breathe and the water we drink we are nourished. Throughout history humans have...

When . . . slowly she rocked me in her arms

When . . . slowly she rocked me in her arms

29 years ago I experienced the presence of the living earth for the first time, as mother and as a part of myself. This blog and my website In Conversation with the Wild, grew out of the ongoing conversations I have had with the earth and the beautiful beings that...


Embodiment is Interconnection

Embodiment – living in awareness through your body – is also the way to feel interconnected to everything and everyone.  As I turn my attention within my body, beyond my skin into my tailbone for instance, and I begin to explore how my tailbone moves ever so gently, I...

Allurement and Creativity

Allurement and Creativity

What if movement is the language of the Universe?   Since I first read The Universe is a Green Dragon some 15 years ago, I have been fascinated with concepts such as allurement and the creation of community, becoming love in human form, becoming beauty to ignite...

The Way We Move

The Way We Move

                      The way we move reveals the way we feel.  Each of us broadcasts a multitude of information about ourselves through how we move our bodies through space.  Through the language of our bodies we communicate with our own species  - and we have the...

Moved by Beauty

Moved by Beauty

In The Great Work, Thomas Berry speaks of the intimacy the indigenous people had with the land, each part of nature was experienced as a personal other.  I have always been drawn to the  beauty of nature, lured deeper into the land and its mysteries though the...

Body and the Archetypal Dance of Creation

Body and the Archetypal Dance of Creation

Our true body goes beyond our skin to include the earth and the universe. We are the living dance of creation, archetypal energies of fire and water, air and earth – all that is – and yet if we cannot feel these energies within us, our personal bodies do not...

Finding Center in Uncertain Times

Finding Center in Uncertain Times

Center is where the juice is. Center is where freedom lies – from center we have the potential to move in any direction. Center is where we find joy. There is a center to everything, to each and every cell, to our bodies and to the earth. From our own center we are...