Embodied Rejuvenation
We have the ability to rejuvenate ourselves at any age by tapping in to the richness within. Beauty, Gratitude, Grace, Wisdom, Creativity – we can tap into these energies by drawing from our deepest Self. The archetypes are the primary rhythms that create form, and by...
It Begins With the Body…
To be aware of the body is the beginning of love . . . every cell contains all of existence. These words from the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh speak to the depths of our interconnectedness. Living and feeling from the inside of our bodies - embodiment - is...
Cellular Renewal and Rejuvenation
Lately I have been feeling an increasingly direct connection with the cells of my body. Many years ago I had begun using the mantra “love” with my cells, gently saying this word over and over again. When I do this I feel an excitement in my cells, a joyful jumping to...
The Rhythm of the Primordial Force
In our womens’ group we have been focusing on the hara, the belly center, and even more specifically, at the very center of the hara – the tant tien – where one can feel what has been called “the rhythm of the primordial force” by Kaneko Shoseki (see the appendix of...
Holy Water I
Guidance comes to me in many ways, mostly through my body and movement. For this class I wanted to investigate something that had been lurking at the edge of my awareness for awhile now, something still very mysterious to me – my relationship with the element of...
Holy Water II
Thus the overflow from things pours into you. Just as a fountain’s higher basins spill down like the strands of loosened hair into the lowest vessel, so streams the fullness into you, when things and thoughts cannot contain it ~ Rilke In her introduction to The...
Body as Temple
BODY AS TEMPLE: Embodiment in Solar Storms "We are in need of integrity of being that recognizes this disregarded inner world. I mean integrity in the true sense of the word, the sense that addresses a human wholeness and completeness, an entirety of living,...
John Muir: Embodied and Embedded
I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~ John Muir In her introduction to The Resurgence of the Real, Charlene Spretnak asserts, “that the actual presence and power of body, nature...
Interbeing, Embodiment and Improvisation
Through my experience as an improvisational dancer, I have become increasingly embodied, learning to feel within myself moment to moment and watch what is arising. I have learned to pay close attention to the interrelationship of feelings, impulses, and thoughts, as...
Peace is Every Move
Although I hadn’t read Thich Nhat Hanh’s Peace is Every Step, I became very intrigued with the concept implied by the title. As an improvisational movement and dance person, I have long been fascinated with how the foot contacts the earth, as well as how everyday...